As a small parish, our ministry is 100% funded by your generous giving in the name of Christ for the good of the world.
Please consider several options below, such as giving to the Little Free Pantry, the discretionary fund, or to our general fund.
The Little Free Pantry
“Take what you need and leave what you can.
As it is by God’s hands that we all are fed,
Thank you for our daily bread!”
The Little Free Pantry is a community outreach ministry that began in 2018 inspired by Anne Gardner, long time parishioner at Trinity Searcy. Anne recognized the need in our downtown community for an open-access outdoor pantry that would allow for people to easily donate food and hygiene items, so that those in need could receive. Trinity church member Shaun Everest donated the materials and workmanship to build the pantry.
The pantry is filled daily by church members and by donations from individuals and groups in the local community.
Not only has the pantry ministry provided needed food for the community, it has also become a meeting place that feeds and fosters relationships with the people who live and work in our downtown area.
The last Sunday of every month at Trinity is known as our Pantry Ingathering. Parishioners are encouraged to bring pantry donations to worship services where Fr. Mark provides a liturgy of special blessing for the offerings.
The Discretionary Fund
The Discretionary Fund is an outreach fund specifically meant to assist in fulfilling the needs of the wider Searcy community.
The fund assists our lower-income citizens with payments for food, rent, utilities, medical bills, and other similar needs that they may not be able to cover.
Consider making one of the suggested donations to help your neighbor cover their expenses:
A fresh meal ($10)
Gas for transportation ($20)
Food assistance for families ($50)
Children’s school supplies ($75)
Utility Bills ($100)
Rental Assistance ($200)
The General Fund
The General Fund covers all manner of upkeep for our historic church building and our staff, and your annual giving is what keeps ministry going!
Constructed in 1904, our main parish building has been standing for nearly 120 years, and is lovingly stewarded by both paid staff and volunteers alike. Your financial investment given to God is used in our ministry to spread the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus to our community, in everything we say and do.